Hairdresser – PocketSuite Tue, 24 Oct 2023 13:41:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hairdresser – PocketSuite 32 32 How to Make it as a Content Creator: A Conversation with Shemieka Wed, 26 Apr 2023 16:43:32 +0000 Have you ever thought about starting a side hustle as a content creator? Do you want to share your knowledge with the world and help other aspiring pros  achieve their dreams the same way that you have? 

If you are struggling with content creation and want to get advice from a true social media expert, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we are sharing an interview with one of our top creators, Shemieka. 

Shemieka is a salon owner and TikTok influencer who grew her account to over 10K followers with one year’s worth of work and dedication. She is known for her healthy haircare and extension services as well as her expert advice for other salon owners and stylists. Shemieka’s TikTok videos have helped thousands of stylists take their business to the next level. On her TikTok, she shares tips on everything from marketing and social media to product knowledge and customer service tips. Shemieka is passionate about helping other stylists succeed and we couldn’t be more excited to have her as a PocketSuite Pro.

How to Make it as a Content Creator

Expert Content Creator Shares Tips for Success

In this interview, Shemieka shares her insights on how to create engaging content, build a following, and monetize your work. She also shares some of the mistakes she made along the way, and how you can avoid them.

If you’re thinking about becoming a content creator, this interview is a must-read. Shemieka’s advice is invaluable, and it will help you get started on the right foot.

I hope you enjoy the interview!

Turning a Salon Business into a Social Media Platform

PocketSuite: Shemieka, thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us today. We know you’re a busy woman, so we appreciate it.

Shemieka: It’s my pleasure! I’m always happy to talk about content creation.

PS: So, let’s get started. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background in content creation?

S: Sure. I’m a hairstylist and salon educator who helps stylists grow their business. I’ve been creating content for social media for quite some time now, and I’ve learned a lot along the way.

Turning a Salon Business into a Social Media Platform

PS: That’s great! So, what are some of your top tips for creating engaging social media content?

S: My top tips for creating engaging social media content are know the intended audience, get out of your head and just do it. Also, always have a plan before you hit record. All of these things help to eliminate wasting time and also helps you to build your community.

PS: That’s fantastic advice for new creators! What are some of the most important things you’ve learned as a social media content creator?

S:That done is better than perfect. Sometimes we have to just create the videos (or other content) with no makeup on or when we aren’t so put together. The people who are looking for the info aren’t as hung up on the aesthetics as we are-they just want the info that’s going to transform their lives.

PS: That is so true! I know it is hard to not get hung up on perfection, but I agree, it is much more important to just do it! So, what are some of your most effective marketing strategies as a social media content creator?

S: Just being myself and making sure I research who I am trying to reach online. Once I know that, I can definitely hone in on the messaging and am able to have fun making relatable content. Also, I don’t overwhelm people with too much info in one post-it’s bite sized so they can process it quicker. Make sure you can get your point across in 15-30 seconds because people’s attention span is short. 

PS: Those shorter info filled clips really are key then! What are some of the most common mistakes you see content creators make?

S: Not having a strategy, not knowing who their ideal clients are, and being inconsistent with posting.

PS: Consistency is something I think we can all relate to needing to be better about when it comes to posting on social media! Before we go, I have one last question: What advice would you give someone just starting as a content creator?

S: To really know what you want your page to be about and to know when it’s time to build community and when to sell the product. Understanding the psychology of how, why, and when clients buy is so important. Also having fun is a huge part of it. If you don’t it becomes like a job and when that happens, people tend to say forget it and quit before they even start.

 build a successful career in content creation.

PS: Those are great tips! Thank you for sharing them with us.

S: You’re welcome! I hope they help you create engaging social media content that will help you achieve your business goals.

If you’re thinking about becoming a content creator, Shemieka’s advice is a great place to start. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your goals and build a successful career in content creation.

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Tips for Hairstylists Mixing Braiding Hair Colors Fri, 17 Feb 2023 20:36:04 +0000 Are you looking for new ways to impress your clients? Well, it’s time to mix and match your braiding hair colors. You can set yourself apart from the competition by adding pops of color to your hair braiding services.

Are you new to braiding with different hair colors? No problem!

We share our best practices for incorporating color into braided hairstyles and teach you how to convince clients to try a bold new look. 

Braiding Hair Colors

Is Hair Braiding Worth It?

Absolutely! Hair braiding is an essential technique to have in your stylist toolbox. People are willing to travel the world for a good set of braids. And professional hairstylists can make six figures a year on hair braiding services. 

Braids are a protective style, so they’re low maintenance, long-lasting, and keep your client’s hair from becoming tangled or damaged. Clients love braids because they provide a much-needed break from their daily hair routine. Not to mention, they’re incredibly gorgeous! 

You don’t have to master every intricate braided design. It’s okay to stick to the basics. Just make sure you can handle different hair textures, whether straight, curly or afro-kinky. 

Why Should Stylists Try Braiding With Different Hair Colors?

Braiding with a single hair color can get boring for you and your clients. You should learn to incorporate hair colors into your go-to braiding styles, even if your clients only ever ask for plain black braids. Eventually, your clients will want to switch it up, and you need to be ready.

Using a mix of braiding hair colors allows your clients to reinvent themselves without the long-term commitment of hair dye. You can also show your range as a stylist and add stunning photos to your portfolio. They’re easy to install and take out. So, why not? 

You can add hair braiding colors to traditional braids, knotless braids, and even twists. 

What’s The Best Way To Use Color in Braids?

We know you’ll love mixing hair colors with your braided styles. But, if you’re a novice, it can be difficult to get the hang of it at first. Here are some best practices for braiding with different hair colors. 


With any kind of hair braiding, preparation is key. If you’re mixing colors, you need to do a bit more legwork to make sure the colors look good together and match your client’s vision. 

Before you start, ensure your client’s natural hair and braiding hair are clean and detangled. Remember to use products made for chemically-dyed hair. And avoid shampoos that can wash out the color or damage the hair.

Braiding Hair Colors


Make sure you choose (or recommend) a high quality braiding hair for the appointment. Braiding hair comes in many colors and textures, and your clients will have their own preferences. It’s a good idea to do a consultation before the appointment, so you’re both clear on what hair you’ll use.

Also, spare a thought about your client’s real hair color. Multicolor braids can get tricky if your client’s real hair is already dyed more than one color. The braiding hair might cover their real hair, but some colors can stick out. To fix this, you can recommend they dye their real hair a single color to achieve a consistent look.


As a stylist, you know that good supplies make a huge difference. They don’t have to be expensive, but they should be effective. Use a “rat-tail” comb to create clean parts for hair braiding. Uneven parts can snag, cause pain and look messy. 

It’s even more important to stay organized when mixing hair colors. So, keep some large hair clips handy to move loose sections out of the way. These will help you keep the hair under control. 


Inconsistent patterns will be even more noticeable when mixing hair braiding colors. So, a good technique is essential. You have to feed in the hair colors gradually, so take small sections of each color and mix them one at a time. Keep your grip firm, but don’t apply too much tension. If you pull too tight, you can cause pain for clients, and the design will be uneven. 

And remember to detangle! Comb out the hair often to avoid knots and snags. Your clients will thank you. When you’re done, clean up their edges and apply mousse to keep the braids sleek for a long time. 

Braiding Hair Colors

How To Sell Clients On Braiding Hair Colors

So, you’ve fallen in love with mixing hair braiding colors. Now, all you have to do is get your clients on board. This might be a challenge, but we’re here to help. Here’s how to convince your clients to try braiding hair colors at their next appointment.

#1 Offer A Free Consultation

Some clients are hesitant to try new hairstyles. And first–time clients are especially unlikely to take your suggestions. To break the ice, offer a free hair consultation or a session 0. In this consultation, clients can get to know your process, and you can understand their vision.

Use this time to explain the benefits of mixing braiding hair colors. They may not know all of their options or how much experience you have with style. Remind them that they don’t have to use color all over their hair. A few colorful braids at the front or an ombré effect toward the ends is more than enough. 

This is the perfect time to impress them with your expertise. And you have a better chance of landing a booking after making that human connection. 

#2 Give Them Everything They Need

Clients might not try different hair colors if they don’t know where to buy quality hair or reliable products. They don’t want to waste time shopping for a new hair type when they can stick to their old favorites. You can take the pressure off by selling hair, products, and tools directly to your clients.

PocketSuite lets you sell products to your clients from the app. You can offer hair care products as stand-alone items or add-ons when they book your services. This way, you know your clients have high-quality hair for their appointment and can take care of the style when they leave. 

Hairstylist Business Software Sign Up Block

#3 Make Yourself Available

Clients won’t try different braiding hair colors if they don’t know it’s an option. Let your clients know that you offer this service wherever you advertise your business. Better yet, feature your best braided hair color designs on Instagram and TikTok to show off what you can do to full effect. Make it easy for clients to book a hair braiding session by adding your availability to your booking site. 

Remember to schedule your time wisely. When it comes to hair braiding, patience is vital. Clients expect hair braiding sessions to take a few hours. And they’re worth the wait. Don’t speed through an appointment just to fit in a few more. Sure, more appointments mean more money. But it’s not worth risking your reputation as a stylist or your well-being. Take your time and schedule buffer time between sessions to get some much-needed rest.

#4 Gift An Appointment

If you’re having trouble convincing clients to try braiding hair colors, you can try to gift an appointment. A good deal is irresistible, and clients love being rewarded for their loyalty. You can offer a discounted braiding session to clients who use color at their next appointment. In the PocketSuite app, you can credit your client for one free appointment by giving them a gift certificate. 

#5 Respect Their Preferences

It can be tough to coax a client out of their comfort zone, especially when it comes to their hair. And you never want to push. Some clients love suggestions, but others might find them pushy or annoying. If they typically stick to a neutral hair color, save your pitch for another color-loving client.Trust us.They’re out there!

You can find out if a client is willing to try braiding hair colors before meeting them. All you have to do is add an intake form to your custom PocketSuite booking site. Use the form to ask questions about their style, history, and preferences. 

Braiding Hair Colors

Are You Ready To Use Hair Braiding Colors?

Hair braiding is naturally repetitive but doesn’t have to be boring. You can take your hair braiding services to the next level by using a mix of colors in your styles. Clients will love it and tell their friends about your skills. So, it’s a great way to get repeat bookings for your business.

PocketSuite can help you manage all those new clients. With PocketSuite, you can run your hair business in one app. You can schedule appointments, receive payments, sell products and send contracts to your clients straight from your phone. We have all the tools you need to build a successful hair business. 

Dreadlocks Stylist Associations Fri, 23 Jul 2021 09:40:05 +0000 Dreadlocks Stylist Associations to Consider

Associations are easier than ever to find. For those dreadlock professionals who wish to be a part of the larger movement of locticians who want to spread their knowledge about the culture of dreadlocks and the lifestyle that may go along with it, associations can be a fantastic place to start. Not only are associations created to bring together a culture, they are there to support individual locticians in their training, supporting their needs, and allowing like-minded professionals a space in which to grow.

See associations for dreadlocks professionals:

Hair Braider Associations Fri, 23 Jul 2021 09:38:39 +0000
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    Hair Weave Stylist Associations Fri, 23 Jul 2021 09:38:39 +0000

    Why you should get your Cosmetology License – Hairdresser Thu, 01 Jul 2021 22:20:31 +0000 Let’s say you’re a solo-preneur hairdresser out to build your business. You may be asking yourself if you need to get a license. Or let’s say you own a salon and still haven’t been licensed to do hair in your state. You may we worried about the risks associated with operating without official state approval. You may even take pride in operating under the table, believing that your life is easier when you only accept cash, Paypal or Venmo. (or any of the other plethora of money-sending apps).

    There are some issues with this, however:

    1. Legal risks

    2. Hidden expenses

    3. Missed “money making” partnerships

    If you are licensed and you haven’t realized all of the benefits of being “legit”, we’ll help you connect those dots.

    First, we’ll tackle why you should get your cosmetology license as a small business owner that does hair.

    Then we’ll discuss the practical steps that you can take to get your license.

    But first, we’ll talk about why this is important.

    In this article, we’ll absolutely answer that question, so you can rest easy on your silk pillow (so you don’t mess up your beautiful hairdo!)


    Globally beauty is a $382 billion a year industry and it keeps growing at an insane rate.

    Hairdressers are a huge part of this industry primarily because of how popular these services are.


    There are several subcategories of hairdressers – in this article, we’ll make the distinction by breaking up the industry into two main parts – those that do braiding/weaves and those that use chemicals.

    The main reason we’re separating folks into these two categories is because those doing hair braiding/weaves typically don’t need a license. On the other hand, those using chemicals (to do perms, for example) have to get a license to operate legally.

    If you are doing braiding or weaves, you don’t need a license because there are typically no chemicals used.

    On the other hand, if you’re using harsh chemicals (or even some eco-friendly alternatives) to deliver services like coloring, dying, and some forms of curling and straightening, you are most certainly a candidate for getting your cosmetology license and going all the way with your salon services.

    Speaking of harsh chemicals, the Women’s Voices Organization created a very useful list of chemicals to avoid when you’re working with clients, as well as chemicals to be wary of.

    If I were you, I would pay close attention to this list and try to avoid as much contact with these chemicals as possible!

    At the very least, wear eye and mouth protection to limit your exposure when dealing with these harsh substances.

    But I digress… let’s discuss the specific reasons why getting your cosmetology license is especially important for hairdressers.

    The first is the legal ramifications of not being licensed.

    In just one year, the Better Business Bureau received more than 2,400 complaints about hair stylists about everything, “from bad cuts to severe scalp burns.”

    Apparently, the possibility of chemical burns is a serious and ever-present threat when subjecting yourself to an unlicensed hairdresser.

    Not only that, but under-the-table salons use super-glue instead of proper bonding solution to apply hair extensions, further damaging their clients’ hair and their reputation as well.

    Here’s what Anthony Civitano of the Hair Dresser Institute had to say about unlicensed cosmetologists, specifically hairdressers:

    “When you get into chemical work, or your working with sheers, sharp instruments around somebody else’s body, it’s really very important that you have the proper training and dexterity.

    Unlicensed salons or solo-preneur hairdressers can easily get a $500 citation for operating under the table – how’s that for motivation to get licensed!


    If you are unlicensed, you’re missing out on opportunities to work with payment providers that can help you with online booking, accepting credit cards, and paying your salon team (if you have a salon).

    Most payment providers will want to see proof that you are operating with a license, as this protects them from potential chargebacks from unhappy clients with damaged hair who are not happy campers.

    You may also be turned away for emergency funding (should your business require it) in the event of a downturn, an economic crash, or another calamity that may leave you penniless and force you to close up shop and run to the safe harbor of a full time day job.

    Wouldn’t that be a shame! If you need money for your business and your passion, it’s always good to have options in case you need to use them.

    So another reason for getting licensed is that it opens up your business to a whole new world where you can accept credit cards, put an online booking form on your Instagram, and other perks.

    Additionally, typical costs of hairstyling services for licensed versus unlicensed pros range from 3-4 times, so you’re leveling your business up to another tier of additional income by getting licensed.


    There are many professional organizations, such as the Professional Beauty Association (or PBA for short), that require you to be licensed in order to join. It is an exclusive group that also gives you access to perks and business opportunities.

    One of the business opportunities that is very popular at the moment is becoming a hair product reseller.

    The way this works is, you receive the product and get a white-labeled, personalized website built for you. All you need to do is find the clients and sell them the products, and you get a generous cut of the profits.

    However, being unlicensed prevents you from taking advantage of opportunities like this.

    So with no license, there’s less income for your business and less money in your pocket at the end of the day.

    When you get your license, you’re opening up your business to new types of clients and diversifying your income (such as being a product reseller) so that you can grow your bottom line and build on your current success.


    Finally, we arrive at the practical steps that you can follow to get this accomplished and start to sleep better at night.

    The first step would be to check with your state licensing board as every state is different.

    Here are the education, exam, and other requirements necessary to get licensed, according to

    Required Education

    Cosmetology training program at a school or through an apprenticeship.

    Exam Requirements

    Written tests on theory and procedures, practical demonstrations of skills in eight areas and written tests on state regulations.

    Other Requirements

    Minimum age requirement, HIV/AIDS training (specifics vary by state).

    The next step is to find a cosmetology school that offers programs for hairdressers.

    Here are some frequently asked questions that explain how to find a school and goes into detail on the requirements and process for getting licensed.

    You can also find more information here on a state-by-state basis.

    Once you’ve completed school and graduated (many of these you can do online, although the exam may be in person), you can go to your state licensing website to apply for a license.

    Here’s what California’s Board of Barbering and Cosmetology website looks like (you would go here to apply for your license if you lived in California, but like I said it varies by state, so find your state’s website through Google):

    In this example, you would click on ‘Breeze’ on the bottom left and then follow the prompts to get your license.

    And there you have it – the main reasons you should get your license, as well as how to do it.

    I hope this article has clarified why you should get your cosmetology license as a hairdresser.

    Now go out there and make the world beautiful, one hairstyle at a time!

    If you haven’t already, you can try PocketSuite for free to manage your hairdressing clients, accept deposits and payments online, process credit cards in person using their built in credit card scanner, manage your bookings online and from Instagram & Facebook, sell products, and practically everything else you’d want to do in your business. So you can do your job “making your clients deliriously happy” – worry free! 🙂

    Like this article? You’ll love our guide on how to generate leads for service businesses in 2022, and of course our Frustrations with Square article!

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    Podcast: Harry Josh Shares His Story on Becoming a Top Celebrity Hair Stylist Thu, 01 Jul 2021 13:15:00 +0000

    On this episode of Professional-on-the-Go, we are talking to Harry Josh who is a legend in the hairstyling, beauty, and fashion industry not only because of his tremendous skill in dressing the hair of celebrities like Jennifer Garner, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tina Fey, Ellen Pompeo, Gisele Bundchen, but also because of his super successful product line, called Harry Josh Pro Tools, including the most instagrammed hairdryer in the world, the Harry Josh Pro Dryer.

    This episode is an inspiration for anyone who has a dream of working for themselves and making a good living. You will hear about:

    • Harry’s journey from working at a hair salon in Vancouver to achieving his dream of being a model and celebrity hair stylist in New York City and beyond. His hunger, hustle, passion and inspiration comes through so powerfully every step of the way.
    • The pivotal decisions and unobvious connections Harry made along the way that ultimately lead him to his dream.
    • Harry’s lessons learned on the way to achieving his dream, including the importance of always working toward the bigger picture, even if it looks like a lateral or backwards move sometimes.
    • Why Harry decided to start building his business and iconic brand of hair tools, Harry Josh Pro Tools, and how he built his brand and business model with an emphasis on quality and sustainability.
    • Harry’s idea of the good life and how he lives it every day.
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    How to Become a Hairdresser Thu, 01 Jul 2021 12:43:00 +0000 The path to becoming a hairdresser can lead to a rewarding career where you feel good about yourself by helping others feel great.

    A hairdresser touches the lives of customers in ways that go beyond appearance. As a hairdresser, you actually have the power to influence your client’s social life by giving new confidence and promoting self-esteem. A new hairstyle can make clients feel great about themselves. That’s a key part of living your best life.

    There’s also the opportunity to express your creativity in ways that delight your clients.

    Many professions may be financially rewarding, but not all provide the opportunity to make people happy. In fact, hairdressers themselves tend to be happier people than almost any other occupational group.

    Hairdresser applying hair dye to client's hair

    In his book Happiness by Design, economist and behavioral scientist Professor Paul Dolan notes that hairdressers rank in the top three of the happiest professions, right behind gardeners and florists. Hairdressers say they thrive on the creativity and interacting with customers as part of their daily work. Some even say they think of hairdressing not so much as a job but a privilege.

    Besides the creativity that comes with the job, hairdressers also enjoy flexibility in choosing where and when they want to work plus ongoing professional development because new styles and techniques – from cutting hair to coloration – are constantly evolving.

    With experience and passion, you can also make good money as a hairdresser.

    In this article you’ll learn:

    • How much money you can make
    • Training and Certification
    • Professional Groups to Join
    • Employment
    • Finding Clients
    • Helpful tips for hairdressers

    How much money can you make?

    The median hourly wage for hairdressers is $12.54 per hour, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This works out to an annual salary of about $24,076 based on a 40-hour work week. For hairstylists who run their own salon or develop a following of devoted clients, there’s really no limit to how much can be earned in this profession.

    Hairdresser blow drying and combing client's hair

    Training and Certification

    There are literally hundreds of training programs for hairdressers across the United States. To narrow down your options so your choices are more manageable, the first thing to do is check the licensing requirements in the state where you live. Start with the state cosmetology board, which is the typical governing body that regulates the hairdresser profession.

    The next step is to find a training program in your area that’s accredited by the state board. This way, after completing a training program you know you will have obtained the fundamental knowledge required to be licensed. One thing to think about: do you want to focus exclusively on hairdressing or do you want to offer that service as part of a broader menu of beauty services?  Getting a certification as a hairdresser qualifies an individual to cut and style hair. Getting a certification as a cosmetologist, while it may take longer, qualifies an individual to do much more in a beauty salon setting, including manicures and pedicures, makeup and skin care, and more.

    Attending an accredited cosmetology school can run from $5,000 to $15,000, according to the Imagine America Foundation. Top programs can cost up to $20,000. A certificate in hairdressing will generally cost just a fraction of a full cosmetology training program.

    Hairdresser trimming client's hair

    Professional Groups to Join

    Many hairdresser associations are available to join. These organizations can provide valuable insight into breaking into the competitive world of hairdressing. By joining associations, hairdressers can be part of a community where they feel supported. Networking opportunities with associations can also help you find a job, make new friends, learn new techniques and get advice from experts with years of experience.

    Here are some of the best-known and largest associations for professional hairdressers.

    Bright, colorful hair design done by hairdresser


    If you’re looking for work in a spa or beauty salon, going directly to the business with a resume in hand is a great way to introduce yourself. A quick online search should reveal every hair salon in your area with an online presence. Employment sites such as ZipRecruiter and Indeed are also good places to look. Just bear in mind that everyone looking for a hairdressing job has access to these sites, so employers are likely to be flooded with applications to online job sites.

    Career OneStop, a service of the U.S. Department of Labor, maintains a website with job openings for hairdressers, as well as tips for job hunting. They project 94,600 job openings annually for hairdressers.

    Client receiving a haircut by a hairdresser

    Finding Clients

    Even if you work for a salon, chances are you’ll be responsible for building your own customer base. So build a simple website that describes your experience, certifications and includes photos of your work, as well as your contact information. If you’re not comfortable building a basic website using templates provided by popular sites such as WordPress, hire someone to build one for you. A basic website covering two pages should not cost more than $200.

    In addition to your business website, create an Instagram account to showcase your services. The strategy is to post plenty of “before” and “after” photos with hashtags so that people looking for hairdressing services can find you. Instagram is the #1 online venue in the world for beauty professionals to display their work. Be sure to get written permission from your clients before you post images of their faces. You can download and print free photo release forms here.

    Other strategies for attracting new business:

    • Give discounts to new customers (if you work for a salon, you’ll need permission to do this; if you are self-employed you can offer any discount you like).
    • Create a referral program with discounts for returning customers who bring new clients to you.
    • Ask clients to review your services online. According to a recent survey, 90% of new customers say their buying decisions are influenced by positive online reviews.
    • Ask all new clients to complete a simple form about their interest in your services. Get their contact information on the form. This lets you follow up with clients and increase repeat business.
    Hairdresser shaving the back of client's neck

    Good to know:

    Experienced hairdressers often share things they wish they’d known when starting out. At the top of the list is an apprenticeship. Hairdressers understandably feel a sense of accomplishment after graduating from a training program and getting their license, but the butterflies in the belly might take flight the first time a new hairdresser stands behind a paying client, scissors in hand, and gets ready to make that first cut. So get as much hands-on experience as you can, working with real models. The more hairstyles you create, the more at ease you will feel with your work.

    Also, you’ll want to work on your selling skills. Whether you work for a salon or run your own, chances are, selling retail beauty products to customers will represent a good portion of your income. Salon managers want hairdressers who can not only cut hair expertly, but who can sell products as well. Your compensation may even be tied to the volume of beauty products you’re able to sell to your customers. Why is this so important? In a word, profits. There is an average 5% profit margin on hairdressing services and up to a 40% profit margin on the sale of retail beauty products. It’s really just simple math. A $50 hairstyling might net $2.50 in actual profit for the salon (after paying the hairdresser and covering business expenses such as rent on the salon space, the electric bill, carrying insurance and all the other costs that come with running a company). Meanwhile, a shopping bag with $50 worth of beauty products could net the salon $20 in profit. Since you’ve undoubtedly been a customer at beauty salons, think back on all those times your hairdresser offered products related to the care and maintenance of your new hairdo. Now you know why.

    Part of your interaction with clients will also include upselling, so you’ll want to be comfortable with that, as well. While performing a haircut, you might ask the client if she’d like highlights, for instance. Maybe she’d enjoy a manicure since she’s already in the salon. These add-on services benefit your clients and put extra money in your pocket, both from the additional services and the resulting bigger tips.

    If you enjoyed this article, check out some other content that can help you grow your career as a hairdresser. Here’s a great place to start. You’ll also love our guide on how to generate leads for service businesses.PocketSuite has thousands of business owners who all started where you are right now. Our community is always happy to help you ramp up, grow your client base, and achieve your income goals, both within the PocketSuite app and as part of our exclusive Facebook Community Group. PocketSuite’s vision is for any professional to be able to work for themselves and make a great living. It starts here. It starts with you. It starts today. Let’s get started, download PocketSuite now! Feel free to reach out with any questions (we’d love to hear from you)! Text us @ (415) 841-2300.

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    Alaska Hair Braider Licensing Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:39:12 +0000 Alaska Licensing Overview for a Hair Braider

    Licensing for aa Hair Braider in Alaska is controlled by the Board of Barbers & Hairdressers.

    General Guidelines for a Hair Braider in Alaska

    Specific requirements to performa Hair Braider services can generally be used as a guideline, but make sure to check with your local governing rules and regulations.

    Who’s allowed to perform these services?

    Barbers and Hairdressers

    General requirements for a a Hair Braider license?

    Currently, the Board of Barbers & Hairdressers requires all aspiring hair braiders to complete a full cosmetology course of at least 1,650 hours.

    What’s the state licensing site for aa Hair Braider?

    Board of Barbers & Hairdressers

    What are some training programs available for aa Hair Braider?

    See training programs

    How long is a license good for and when do I need to renew?

    Check with local governing body for updated details.

    What are fees associated with licensing?


    Arizona Hair Braider Licensing Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:39:12 +0000 Arizona Licensing Overview for a Hair Braider

    Licensing for aa Hair Braider in Arizona is controlled by the Arizona Board of Cosmetology .

    General Guidelines for a Hair Braider in Arizona

    Specific requirements to performa Hair Braider services can generally be used as a guideline, but make sure to check with your local governing rules and regulations.

    Who’s allowed to perform these services?


    General requirements for a a Hair Braider license?

    As a result, you had to complete 1,600 hours of classroom instruction to work as a hair braider

    What’s the state licensing site for aa Hair Braider?

    Arizona Board of Cosmetology

    What are some training programs available for aa Hair Braider?

    See training programs

    How long is a license good for and when do I need to renew?

    License good for 2 years

    What are fees associated with licensing?

