Dog and Pet Boarding Training – PocketSuite Fri, 10 Feb 2023 16:06:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dog and Pet Boarding Training – PocketSuite 32 32 Should I Offer Dog Board and Train Services? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 16:06:43 +0000 Dog boarding and training can help owners who don’t have the time or knowledge to train their pets, but it can be expensive and may not always be the right fit for every business owner. In this article, we’ll discuss what you need to know to decide if offering dog board and training services will be the right choice for your dog training business.

What Are Dog Board and Train Services?

First, it is important to fully understand what board and train services entail. Board and training services for dogs are essentially when a client leaves their dog with the dog trainer for a certain period of time in order to get in-depth training. It is similar to doggy daycare or traditional dog boarding but with advanced training and extra time spent with the trainer. 

These dog training sessions can last anywhere from one night to multiple weeks, depending on the level of training needed. 
Board and train services commonly take place at one of two locations. Either at the dog trainer’s home or a specific board and train facility.

In-Home vs. Kennel Board and Train

If you are debating offering board and train in your dog training repertoire, you first need to decide if you will be using an in-home or kennel-based system. 

For in-home boarding and training, you will keep the client’s dog at your home, essentially treating it like a member of your own family for a time. Because a dog is kept in your home, they will be learning the basics of indoor living, such as not surfing counters, house training, and respecting invisible boundaries. Home-based boarding and training is also highly beneficial for socializing dogs in an in-home environment like the one they will experience when they graduate and go home to their owners. 

This type of training is very appealing to individuals who want to be able to easily transition their new dog into their home with minimal stress on their part. 

Many board and training programs require a 2-week minimum stay, but some offer one week if just a basic refresher course is needed. So if you are debating adding in-home dog training to your services list, just keep in mind that this is a  considerable time commitment but one that is highly beneficial for the dog.

Unlike in-home board and train, kennel board and train will keep the dogs at a specific boarding facility separate from your home. In this situation, dogs are kept in kennels, sometimes with a large number of other dogs being boarded at the same time. 

This type of boarding and training is good for businesses that are doing a large volume of dogs being brought in regularly, though it is slightly less personal than the in-home option. 

Many clients have reported that they prefer dog trainers who offer in-home as opposed to kennel-based training. Other clients prefer the more regimented and affordable kennel-board and train option.

Master and his obedient dog at a dog training center.

Is There a Third Board and Train Option?

Many trainers don’t want to do boarding in their own homes but also want to be able to offer something more personal than kenneling. But is there such a thing? Something between in-home and kennel based? Actually, there is! 

Many dog trainers are moving towards a hybrid model where they have a facility for boarding and training but lean towards a much more personalized “home-based” approach to the training. 

Instead of keeping dogs in kennels like in traditional board and train, there is the option to turn your boarding facility into a cozy location set up like a home would be. With rooms and features just like they would experience within a home environment. Each dog that you accept into boarding will have their own room in this mock-home facility. That way, they can be separated from other dogs if you are not on location, but they still have a home-like experience. 

While this hybrid model is an excellent model for dog boarding and training, it is a more expensive one for you as a trainer. You will need a specialized location that is set up like a home environment, which can start to get quite costly depending on the area you live in and the cost of materials. However, this option is often the best way to offer a premium-priced service that you can do at volume.

No matter which model works best for your business, dog board and train services can be very beneficial to both you as a business owner and your clients. 

Should My Dog Training Business Offer Board and Train Services?

There are numerous benefits to offering dog board and train services to your clients, but there are also some cons. Dog board and train will add a significant amount to your income, making it possible to hit that 100K Dog Trainer income goal, but it will also be a considerable amount more effort to get started.  This is something that you will have to weigh out personally to see if it is worthwhile for your business. We will break down these pros and cons of dog board and train services so you can make an informed decision for your business.

High-Profit Potential

Dog boarding and training is a service that offers a potentially high rate of return. Depending on the type of program and the location, you can charge upwards of $1000 for a dog board and train stay, which could lead to sizeable profits for pet professionals offering these services.

Most people are willing to pay for results, experience, and convenience. Dog board and train offer all of these things, and most dog owners will see it as a worthwhile investment.  As such, it’s a great option for those looking to grow their dog training business and increase their profits.

Complex Training Techniques

Training dogs can be incredibly complex and require specialized training techniques. When offering dog board and train services, you will be expected to have a higher level of expertise than general pet care or basic obedience classes.

 It is essential that you understand the various dog training methods before taking on such clients; otherwise, there is a risk of failing to deliver on expectations. As a result, it’s important to invest time in studying different methods and attending seminars in order to hone your craft.

Increasing Demand

The demand for board and train services is on the rise as people are becoming more aware of the benefits associated with this type of dog training. A dog board and train program can offer a much-needed respite for pet owners who would otherwise be unable to provide appropriate care for their dogs. 

Additionally, it provides an opportunity to socialize the dog as well as improve undesirable behaviors or introduce new ones. There’s potential for huge growth in the area of board and train services if you’re willing to put in hard work and invest in your craft.

Downsides to Board & Train

While board and train services are growing in popularity, there are still some downsides to this dog training method. 

The first downside to dog board and train is that the dog will likely require an adjustment period when it first comes to your home or facility. Typically, this is a few days, but with dogs that are more anxious it can take a bit longer. This means that as a trainer, you have an even longer commitment and that you won’t be training much in the first few days the dog is at your facility. 

Along the same vein as the adjustment period, the dog also doesn’t have a truly trusting relationship with you as a trainer when they first come into your program. With traditional training, the owner is heavily involved and since the dog trusts their owner already, you won’t need to spend as much time building that trust factor. 

The final downside is that while you can effectively train the dog, this method makes it slightly more difficult to train the owner. Dog owners will need to maintain the skills and behaviors that their furry friend has learned during their time away, but there is no guarantee that they are equipped to do so. In order to negate this, it is important that you give instructions to the owner and recommend that they book follow-up sessions with you in order to get the most out of their board and train session.

Challenges With Scheduling

One of the most common challenges associated with dog board and train services is that it can be difficult to manage, especially for those without prior experience. Scheduling conflicts may arise when you’re attempting to provide care throughout the week and have multiple clients; all the while, you must also factor in time for training and behavior modification.

While many dog trainers say that scheduling and time maintenance is one of their biggest challenges when it comes to board and train, our PocketSuite pros have let us know that they don’t experience these same issues. With our all-in-one dog training software, professional dog trainers are able to easily manage their schedule, get bookings online, check in their reservations, and send out invoices and reminders to clients automatically.  So if scheduling is a challenge to you, check out PocketSuite to simplify your business and get back to what you love, training dogs!

Cost and Regulations

The final thing that you need to keep in mind if you are considering adding dog board and train services to your repertoire is the cost involved. These costs can vary wildly depending on your location and the legal requirements in your area, so be sure to do your research and know exactly what you need before getting started . 

When maintaining a dog board and train facility, you will need to maintain the proper insurance and manage that property’s bills (mortgage costs, electricity, water, etc.). Depending on your state, these facilities must also be regulated by one or more government entities. 

If you choose to do an in-home board and train service, you can cut down on some of the costs associated with managing a facility, but there are also other considerations associated with boarding dogs in your own home.  For one, you need to make sure that your homeowner’s insurance will cover your in-home business. If it will not, then you will need to find proper business insurance that will completely cover you in case something goes wrong. Secondly, you will need to make sure you are allowed to run an in-home business in your location. Some neighborhoods and HoAs strictly forbid in-home businesses, so you want to make sure you are properly zoned and legally allowed to operate your business in your home. Finally, you will want to check with any regulatory boards or government agencies to see how to proceed with your dog board and train business. Even when it is run from your home, there will likely always be some sort of government oversight to ensure everything is running correctly and safely. 

Dog board and train services are a wonderful way to increase your income as a dog trainer by adding in-demand services to your repertoire. While there are a few pros and cons, we tend to think that the pros outweigh the cons for many dog trainers. There’s potential for massive growth in the area of board and train services if you’re willing to put in hard work and invest in your craft.

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How to Become a Pet Boarder Sun, 18 Jul 2021 11:49:00 +0000 Pet boarders make it possible for humans to leave their animal friends in good care while they travel. Many vacation destinations do not allow pets, while navigating airports and airplanes is often impractical with an animal.

Pug posing with a sweater on

That’s where pet boarders provide a valuable service. The key difference between pet boarding and similar services, such as pet sitting, is the animal is cared for in a secure facility away from home. While some people may prefer a pet sitter who comes to the home their pets are accustomed to and where they might be more comfortable in familiar surroundings, pet sitting is not always an option or even the best choice.

If a working professional gets marching orders from the boss to take a business trip on short notice, a pet sitter may not be available, whereas you can almost always check pets into a boarding facility. Other factors where boarding is the better choice include weather conditions. If someone is traveling in winter and a major snowstorm hits, the pet sitter may not be able to reach the house where the pet is staying. Worse, a power outage caused by a storm would leave animals without heat in the house. For these and other reasons, pet boarding remains a great business with consistent demand.

Pet boarders keep regular schedules to satisfy the instructions of the pet owner. Animals get regular exercise, play time, treats and affection. Their training includes first aid and emergency care, which provide pet owners with peace of mind while they are away.

Pet boarders also make a good income while working with animals to make them as comfortable and happy as possible while their human “parents” are elsewhere. It’s a satisfying and financially rewarding career for people who enjoy working with animals. If that sounds appealing, read on to discover what’s involved in becoming a pet boarder.

In this article you’ll learn:

  • How much money you can make as a pet boarder
  • The required training and certifications
  • Professional groups to join
  • Employment opportunities for pet boarders
  • Finding clients
  • Plus helpful tips

How much money can you make?

Pet boarders typically set their rates based by the day, night, week and month. The national average is $25 a day, $40 for overnight, about $150 for a week or $500 a month. Fees may or may not include food, treats and play toys. Additional services such as training and dog walking are usually provided at additional cost.  Some pets have special dietary requirements or are accustomed to a particular brand of food, in which case their owners should be expected to provide a supply of food for the duration of the pet’s boarding. It is also the owner’s responsibility to bring any medicines prescribed for the pet.

Husky looking up while lounging on the floor

Individuals who run their own boarding business and care for multiple pets at a time will make the most money in this career. Those who board pets in their own homes can make a good income as a said business.

Training and Certification

Anyone can set up a business as a pet boarder. There are no specific licensing requirements beyond purchasing a basic business license, which all states require to sell services and products to the public. You may also need a local permit to provide animal care, but that’s it.

Still, training and certification promotes confidence, both in yourself and your customers. An accredited pet boarding service has a competitive advantage over boarders that are not accredited. Think about it. Given the option, which one would you entrust to care for your pet?

Small dog sitting in a man's lap

You can start with an animal care certificate from the local community college or work with a veterinary office or a pet boarding facility. Formal training is available online and through in-person programs, with costs as low as $130.

Here’s a directory of training programs for pet boarding you can review as you evaluate your options.

Some of what you can expect to learn in training:

  • Setting up an overnight boarding business
  • Caring for pets
  • Working with different animals and breeds
  • First aid for animals in distress
  • Basic training for dogs
  • Managing catteries
  • Grooming skills
  • Hiring and supervising staff
  • Communicating effectively with pet owners
  • Basic business skills

If you plan to open your own boarding facility, consider applying for an endorsement from the Professional Animal Care Certification Council. The council’s mission “is to bring independent testing and certification to the pet care services industry.” Professionals that pass stringent testing, which reflects a broad knowledge of animal care, receive a 3-year certification. There are three levels of PACCC certification: Certified Professional Animal Care Provider, Manager and Operator. Once you’re in, your business will also be listed on the council’s online directory of certified pet boarders and you’ll be able to use this designation on marketing materials.

Here’s a list of more than a dozen pet boarder training programs and schools to help you get started.

Small puppy with red collar walking away from bowl

Professional Groups to Join

Membership in professional organizations shows you are serious about your career. Customers and potential employers look favorably on these affiliations. The benefits to you include networking with other pros in your field, learning about job opportunities, gaining access to continuing education materials and, with some organizations, the opportunity to purchase affordable liability insurance at group rates.

The International Boarding and Pet Services Association offers information on business assets, industry mastery, staff education and training, accreditations, and authoritative help for the pet services industry. Members include the owners and employees of pet boarding offices, dog walkers, pet sitters, veterinarians, trainers and pet suppliers. Benefits include training and certification programs, a listing on their searchable online directory of pet boarders, industry news, workshops and an annual conference. A membership costs $302 per year.

French bulldog wearing a sweatshirt looking back at the camera

The Association of Animal Behavior Professionals (AABP) was founded as a professional association and certifying body supporting a community of animal behavior technologists utilizing non-coercive methods in working with clients’ companion animals. Benefits include:

  • License to market your membership, (including use of the AABP logo)
  • Access to a member’s forum for networking and discussion
  • Listing on the web site directory
  • Members may apply for AABP Certification
  • Certification: Emphasized listing on the web site
  • Certification: Official “AABP Certified,” which may be used for marketing purposes
  • Certification: Use of the “AABP Certified Member” logo

You can also find many informal groups for pet boarders to discuss their profession. This list features dozens of online networking groups for pet boarders that you can review and consider joining.


You’ll find jobs for pet boarders at large veterinary practices that offer boarding as well as private boarding companies. Make copies of your resume and professional credentials in advance so you’ll have them ready.

Also check online job-search services like Indeed and ZipRecruiter. You can set up notifications on these sites to receive email alerts about openings that match your geographic location.

Finding Clients

Success as a pet boarder means attracting a steady stream of clients. Ideally, you’ll get repeat customers and new customers. This will help you stay busy and sustain that all-important cash flow

Dog panting while on a hike

First, you’ll need business cards and a website for marketing your boarding services. Your website should include pictures of your facility and staff working with different pets, a list of the services you provide, as well as your location and contact information, which must be clearly visible at the top of every page on your site. The upper right-hand corner is a good spot for your location, phone number and email, but wherever you display this information it must be in the same place on every page. Search engines scan this information to match your website geographically with people searching for pet boarding.

Other ways to grow your business:

Veterinarian Referrals

Contact local veterinarians and cultivate friendly business relationships with them. Dog owners routinely ask their vets about other pet needs, including boarding, so you will want to be the professional that vets recommend to their clients.

Partner with Local Shelters or SPCA

This gets your business in front of people who are adopting pets. Your partnership can be as simple as dropping off advertising flyers and business cards at the local shelter or SPCA. Volunteering for an hour or two each month can build goodwill.

Partner with Independent Pet Stores

Small business owners understand the value of collaborating with other professionals in the community. Focus especially on pet stores that sell organic animal food, specialty chew toys and other pricey items that tend to attract more affluent customers. These are more often people with disposable income who lead busy lives and go on vacations, which means they need to board their pets.

Good to know

Marketing a pet boarding business can consume a huge amount of time if you allow it to happen. Follow the steps above to be proactive in attracting clients, but also set up your online presence. A professional website in tandem with social media pages can be working for you around the clock, driving customers to your door. Consider these strategies for connecting with customers who need pet boarding:

Cat resting on person while looking up at the camera

Set up an Instagram page to showcase your pet boarding business. Instagram is the #1 online venue for small business owners to showcase their services. A dedicated business page on Instagram is always promoting your business.

Next, build a Facebook business page. This is an easy way to grow your following by providing tips and helpful information to enhance their life with pets. You can run promotions and create teaser links to your business website by offering articles and news about pets in your Facebook posts.

Now create a Google My Business page. This service lets you list hours of operation, photos of your boarding facility and a map of your location. There’s also an area for people to leave reviews of your services, so you should ask happy customers to post praise on your Google My Business page.

Setting up a business presence on each of these sites should take less than an hour. All of them are free and work 24/7 to promote your pet boarding company. That frees up more of your time to focus on caring for customers’ pets.

If you enjoyed this article, check out some more great content that can help you grow your career as a pet boarder. Here’s a great place to start.

PocketSuite has thousands of business owners who all started where you are right now. Our community is always happy to help you ramp up, grow your client base, and achieve your income goals, both within the PocketSuite app and as part of our exclusive Facebook Community Group. PocketSuite’s vision is for any professional to be able to work for themselves and make a great living. It starts here. It starts with you. It starts today. Let’s get started, download PocketSuite now! Feel free to reach out with any questions (we’d love to hear from you)! Text us @ (415) 841-2300.

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Petting Sitting and Dog Walking at Animal Behavior College Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:28:05 +0000 Animal Behavior College Overview

This short term program provides training in the correct care of an assortment of pets — dogs, felines, birds, small warm-blooded animals, fish and reptiles. The program contains 400 pages of eduxational material composed by Wendy Bedwell-Wilson, creator and former editorial manager for Pet Product News International. Subjects cover the understanding of animal interaction, including non-verbal communication and vocalization, essential nutrition and cleanliness, and emergency treatment and wellbeing.

You’ll learn how to nurture relationships with customers and their pets — all you need to know to begin your own pet sitting or dog walking business. 

Training Programs at Animal Behavior College

  • Pet Sitting and Dog Walking – Short Term Programs
  • Price Range: Check website for updated details.

Resources for Animal Behavior College 

Fear Free, LLC Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:28:05 +0000 Fear Free, LLC Overview

Founded by “America’s Veterinarian,” Dr. Marty Becker, Fear Free has become one of the most transformative programs in companion animal practice. Fear Free pet professionals can take “fresh, out of the box new elective courses,” earning Fear Free CE hours by enrolling in complimentary courses.

At this moment, they are diligently building up some new courses, which will be accessible solely to you as a benefit of your enrollment.

Training Programs at Fear Free, LLC

  • Pet Professional Courses
  • Price Range: Check website for updated details.

Resources for Fear Free, LLC

Tatiana Ambrose LLC Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:50 +0000 Tatiana Ambrose LLC Overview

Have you wanted to begin a dog-related business but don t know where to start? Do you have a dog care business yet need to acquire more skills to be #1 in your area? If YES, take a look at this MASTERCLASS course on the best way to begin a dog business. Learn how to o=promote your business online and locally, make a website and manage your offerings. This course is suitable for people to begin and improve their own dog business from home with minimal startup cost.

Training Programs at Tatiana Ambrose LLC

  • Home Dog Care Business Course: Dog Boarding, Walking & Pet Sitting
  • Price Range: Starting at $139 USD

Resources for Tatiana Ambrose LLC

San Diego State University World Campus Pet Sitting Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:50 +0000 San Diego State University World Campus Overview

Find out how you can transform your love for animals into a pet-sitting career. This course covers all that you need to know about pets — from nourishment, exercise and medical aid to everything that goes into launching a business. Discover how you can begin your own pet sitting business.

You’ll start with basic pet care, including nutrition, work outs, emergency treatment, and identification of of basic ailments. You will learn the essentials of emergency treatment and discover how to administer pills, fluid drugs, and infusions to an uncooperative cat or dog. Find out how to deal with home visits and dazzle your customers. You’ll likewise learn how to handle problems such as lost pets, pets that die suddenly, and pets that need prompt veterinary care.

Training Programs at San Diego State University World Campus

  • Start a Pet Sitting Business
  • 6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hrs
  • Price Range: Starting at $129 

Resources for San Diego State University World Campus

New Skills Academy Pet Sitting Certification Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:50 +0000 New Skills Academy Overview

Anyone who loves animals and wants to start their own pet sitting business will profit by this course. The program will train you all that you need to know about pets, including the legal issues and insurance.

Give your customers a complete feeling of confidence when choosing your services with this industry recognized accreditation. The Pet Sitting Certification is an online course which has been separated into 23 modules, which should take around 15 hours to finish. 

Training Programs at New Skills Academy

  • Pet Sitting Certification
  • Price Range: Starting at $299 

Resources for New Skills Academy

Roe Pet Services Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:50 +0000 Roe Pet Services Overview

Provides training on all aspects of pet handling for domestic helpers (maids, butlers, valets, etc.). Training can be customized to your needs. Call Roe for a consultation.

Training Programs at Roe Pet Services

  • Maid Training for Pet Care
  • Price Range: Check website for updated details.

Resources for Roe Pet Services

IAP Career College Pet Sitter Certification Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:50 +0000 IAP Career College Overview

Learn how to become a pet sitter and how to start a pet sitting business. Training covers what a pet sitter does, how to develop your skills to succeed in a pet sitting career, how to run a pet sitting business, and how to get pet sitting clients.

The Pet Sitter Certificate course is an online learning program with readings from the course book (FabJob Guide to Become a Pet Sitter). This course is self-paced, meaning you may examine and finish assignments at your convenience and from your own home.

Training Programs at IAP Career College

  • Pet Sitter Certificate Course
  • Price Range: Starting at $129 

Resources for IAP Career College

Downtown Training & Boarding Center Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:50 +0000 Downtown Training & Boarding Center Overview

This training package is a great option for dogs lthat require a complete behavior makeover or are starting from scratch. Recieve a complete training experience in a focused environment for faster change and a brand new relationship with your dog.

When complete, all board and train programs offer follow up training meetings.

Training Programs at Downtown Training & Boarding Center

  • Board & Train Packages – 10 Day Advanced
  • Board & Train Packages – 20 Day Masters
  • Price Range: Starting at $1,799 

Resources for Downtown Training & Boarding Center
